Matthew T Raber Dc Ba Hatfield Pa Reviews

Dr. Raber is a chiropractor in Hatfield, PA and may encounter patients with Migraine, Depression Dorsum Hurting, Scoliosis, and more. Acquire More than Well-nigh Dr. Raber

Dr. Raber has non provided a way to schedule online. However, yous can chat with our Virtual Assistant to go help finding a doctor.

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Many chiropractors have received payments from medical companies ranging from small amounts in the form of food at conferences to big payments for consulting or royalties. Some accept received payments for specific drugs. These payments are non necessarily cause for concern, but nosotros encourage you to speak with Dr. Raber if they practise raise any questions or issues.

Total Payments Received Between 2014 and 2018

Dr. Raber received less money than a bulk (79%) of chiropractors nationally. This overall payment amount is low, and is not necessarily a cause for business. This graph represents payments Dr. Raber received relative to the median payment received by similar doctors.

For more information about specific types of payments, see the breakdown of payments by category.

Expense Categories

The payments received by chiropractors can range across a variety of different categories. These can include travel and lodging, food and beverages from conferences, or fees for promotional speaking or consulting engagements. Some take also received payments from royalties or licenses, usually from having helped develop a production or drug.

This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Raber has received by specific category of payment. See the breakup of payments by company.

Company Payments

These payments come from specific medical companies, sometimes for specific drugs. If yous have whatever questions or concerns about the specific company or drug payments Dr. Raber has received, nosotros encourage yous to speak with him directly.

This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Raber has received from specific medical companies, including payments for drugs and medical products.


A chiropractor is a wellness professional specializing in the care of the cervix and spine. The most common reason for visiting a chiropractor is back pain. Other common reasons to see a chiropractor include headaches including migraines; tingling or numbness in the hands and feet; poor range of motion (like a frozen shoulder); and cervix hurting.

Where is Dr. Matthew T. Raber'south office located?

Dr. Matthew T. Raber'southward office is located at 2624 Penn Avenue, Hatfield, PA 19440. View a map and get directions on CareDash.

Does Dr. Matthew T. Raber have insurance?

Yes, Dr. Matthew T. Raber accepts Independence Bluish Cross. Please check Dr. Raber'southward profile to come across all the insurance providers he accepts.

What conditions does Dr. Matthew T. Raber treat?

As a chiropractor, Dr. Matthew T. Raber may treat Arthritis, Dorsum Pain, and Car Accident Injuries, in improver to other weather condition. Please check Dr. Raber's profile to run across all the conditions he treats.

Does Dr. Matthew T. Raber offering telehealth services?

Dr. Matthew T. Raber has not notwithstanding indicated whether he offers telehealth services. Please contact Dr. Raber to see if he offers telehealth services.

Is Dr. Matthew T. Raber accepting new patients?

Dr. Matthew T. Raber has non yet indicated whether he is accepting new patients. Please contact Dr. Raber to meet if he is accepting new patients.

  • Consulting fees that companies pay to doctors, to go their input well-nigh their products and research
  • Companies paying doctors to speak about their products at conferences
  • Companies taking doctors out to dinner to tell them near a new drug or medical device
  • Companies paying for travel, hotel rooms, and nutrient at medical conferences

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